Best Investment Plan for Monthly Income 2024

by Alina Khan

Published On July 1, 2024

In this article

Securing a steady monthly income through investments is a priority for many individuals, especially those approaching retirement or looking to supplement their regular income. As we step into 2024, identifying the best investment plan for monthly income becomes crucial for financial stability and growth. Monthly Income Plans (MIPs) offer a strategic blend of income and moderate growth by investing in a mix of debt and equity securities, providing investors with regular payout options tailored to their income needs.

This article will explore various investment strategies and instruments that qualify as the best investment plan for monthly income in 2024. We will delve into how these plans work, their potential returns, risk factors, and suitability for different types of investors, helping you make an informed decision tailored to your financial goals and risk tolerance. Whether you are a conservative investor preferring low-risk options or someone comfortable with a moderate risk for better returns, understanding these plans will empower you to optimize your investment portfolio for regular monthly earnings.

What is a Monthly Income Plan?

A Monthly Income Plan (MIP) is a type of investment strategy designed to provide investors with a regular and predictable source of income. This makes it an attractive option for those seeking the best investment plan for monthly income. Often referred to as a monthly income scheme, these plans are crafted to offer steady cash flow through a combination of dividends, interest payments, and occasionally capital gains.

Monthly income plans can vary widely in their structure and underlying assets. Commonly, they are organized as mutual funds that invest a significant portion of their assets in fixed-income securities, such as bonds and certificates of deposit, while a smaller allocation may be made to equities to provide an opportunity for growth. This blend helps in managing risk while aiming to ensure consistent income payouts.

Other forms of monthly income plans include:

  • Fixed-Income Instruments: These are typically lower-risk investments such as bonds or fixed deposits that pay interest at regular intervals.

  • Real Estate Investments: These might involve earning rental income from properties, which provides a regular cash flow.

  • Pension Plans: Designed specifically for retirement, these plans often offer a monthly disbursement to support an individual's lifestyle in their post-working years.

For anyone looking for the best investment plan for monthly income, understanding the specifics of how monthly income plans operate, their expected returns, associated risks, and payout mechanisms is crucial. These plans are particularly beneficial for retirees or those who need a consistent income stream to manage monthly expenses effectively.

List of 10 Best Investment Plan for Monthly Income in 2024

Investment Plan


Debt Mutual Funds

These funds invest in fixed-income instruments like government and corporate bonds, offering regular interest income. Ideal for investors seeking stable cash flows with moderate risk. Managed by professionals to optimize returns.

Equity Mutual Funds with Dividend Options

Funds that invest in equities and aim to distribute a portion of the profits as dividends. Provides a mix of capital growth and income, though dividends are not guaranteed and depend on the fund’s performance.

Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)

A government-backed scheme offering fixed interest rates with monthly payouts. Suitable for conservative investors seeking reliable returns, with a five-year term and typically higher interest rates than savings accounts.

Corporate Fixed Deposits

High-interest rate deposits offered by reputable companies, providing regular income. It's essential to assess the company's credibility, as risks vary.

Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS)

A government-supported scheme providing a fixed interest rate and quarterly payouts for investors aged 60 and above. Offers stability, government backing, and tax benefits under Section 80C.

Rental Income from Real Estate

Direct investment in property to generate rental income. Requires significant upfront capital and active management but offers potential for both income and capital appreciation.

Annuity Plans

Insurance products that guarantee a steady income stream for a specified period or for life, suitable for retirement planning. Requires a lump sum investment.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending

Platforms that allow lending money to borrowers for interest earnings. Offers higher returns than traditional deposits but with increased risk. Diligence in selecting borrowers and diversification is crucial.

Dividend-Paying Stocks

Stocks of companies with a history of distributing a part of their earnings as dividends. Provides potential monthly income, though subject to market risks and dividend continuity is not guaranteed.

SWP with PMS portfolios

Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWPs) can be used with Portfolio Management Service (PMS) portfolios to generate a regular income stream from your investments. This allows you to withdraw a fixed amount periodically while the remaining corpus continues to be managed by the PMS professional.

Each of these investment options comes with its own set of features and risks, making them suitable for different types of investors. Whether you prioritize safety, liquidity, or higher returns, these plans offer various ways to achieve a reliable monthly income in 2024. Careful consideration of your financial goals and risk tolerance is essential when selecting the best investment plan for monthly income.

Best Income Plan of 2024 in Detail

Finding the right investment plan for a steady monthly income requires understanding various options available in the market. For regular income investors should invest in which of the following best investment plans for monthly income in 2024:

  1. Senior Citizen Saving Scheme (SCSS)

The SCSS is an excellent option for senior citizens over the age of 60, offering a government-backed secure investment. This scheme is available through certain bank branches and post offices, requiring enrollment within one month of retirement. It provides an attractive annual interest rate of 8.2%, paid quarterly, over a five-year tenure. Investors can put in up to Rs 15 lakh, but it's important to note that the interest income is taxable according to the investor's tax bracket.

  1. Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS)

Managed by India Post, the POMIS offers a safe investment avenue with a 7.4% annual interest rate, paid monthly. This scheme is particularly appealing for risk-averse individuals seeking reliable income. The tenure is five years, with an investment limit of Rs 4,50,000 for single accounts and Rs 9,00,000 for joint accounts. The minimum investment starts at Rs 1,500, and funds can be reinvested upon maturity.

  1. Long-Term Government Bonds

These are low-risk investments that pay interest monthly or provide coupon payments. With maturities ranging from 5 to 40 years, government bonds are designed to raise funds for governmental expenses while offering investors a stable return.

  1. Corporate Deposits

Offered by various NBFCs and HFCs, corporate deposits generally provide higher interest rates compared to bank deposits. They offer flexibility and potential for higher returns, but investors should carefully assess the issuing company's financial health and risk involved.

  1. Monthly Income Plans (MIPs)

MIPs are mutual funds that invest primarily in fixed income and a small percentage in equities, aiming to distribute income regularly based on the fund's performance. These plans are suitable for those with a moderate risk tolerance, as returns are not guaranteed and there is potential for negative returns.

  1. Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana (PMVVY)

Specifically designed for senior citizens, this scheme provides a stable income with fixed interest rates of 7.4% per annum, payable according to the chosen frequency over a 10-year policy term.

  1. Life Insurance Plus Saving Plans

These plans combine life insurance coverage with the benefit of a savings plan, offering a guaranteed income post-maturity. They are an excellent way to ensure financial stability for your family while planning for retirement.

  1. Systematic Withdrawal Plans (SWP)

SWPs allow investors to withdraw a fixed amount from their mutual fund investments at regular intervals, providing flexibility and regular income. This plan suits various financial needs and can be tailored according to individual investment goals.

  1. Equity Share Dividends

Investing in dividend-paying stocks can offer a regular income stream through dividends. However, this option involves higher risks and requires careful selection of companies known for consistent dividend payouts.

  1. Annuity Plans

Offered by insurance companies, annuity plans provide a regular income stream either immediately or after a deferred period based on a lump sum investment. While these plans offer lower risk and guaranteed income, they come with fees and do not offer tax benefits.

For regular income investors should invest in which of the following as each of these options has its own set of features and risks, making them suitable for different types of investors based on their financial goals, risk tolerance, and income needs. Whether you are looking for stability, higher returns, or tax advantages, these plans offer diverse ways to secure a reliable monthly income in 2024.

Benefits of Monthly Income Plan

Investing in a monthly income plan is considered one of the best investment plans for monthly income, especially for those seeking a steady cash flow from their investments. Such plans are often incorporated into broader monthly income mutual fund strategies. Here are several benefits that make monthly income plans appealing:

  1. Regular Cash Flow:

One of the primary advantages of a monthly income plan is the assurance of receiving a regular and predictable cash flow. This is particularly beneficial for retirees or individuals who rely on investment income to cover daily expenses or supplement their regular income. The consistent cash flow allows for better budget management and financial stability.

  1. Diversification:

Monthly income plans typically invest across a variety of asset classes, including stocks, bonds, and other securities. This diversification helps mitigate risk by spreading investments across different markets and sectors. Reducing dependency on any single asset, diversification helps stabilize the income stream and protects the portfolio against significant fluctuations in any one sector or market.

  1. Tax Efficiency:

Many monthly income plans offer tax benefits that enhance the overall efficiency of the investment. For instance, dividends from equity funds and certain types of interest income can be taxed more favorably depending on the investor's tax situation and holding period. This can result in a more efficient after-tax return on investment, making these plans attractive from a fiscal perspective.

  1. Convenience:

Monthly income plans are designed to simplify the income generation process. Investors do not need to actively manage transactions or adjust their portfolios frequently, as the payouts (such as dividends or interest payments) are typically handled automatically by the fund. This convenience is a significant advantage for individuals who prefer a passive investment approach or those who may not have the time or expertise to manage their investments actively.

  1. Potential for Growth:

While the focus of monthly income plans is to deliver steady income, some options within this category also offer potential for capital appreciation. Equity-oriented monthly income plans or those that include dividend-paying stocks can see their value grow over time, providing not just income but also an increase in the principal investment. This growth potential is an added benefit for those looking to build wealth over the long term while enjoying regular income.

Monthly income plans are an excellent option for individuals looking for a reliable source of income from their investments. They combine the benefits of regular income, risk diversification, tax efficiency, convenience, and potential growth, making them a compelling choice for investors with varying financial goals and risk appetites. Whether it's for managing living expenses, planning for retirement, or simply enhancing one's financial security, monthly income plans can be an integral part of a well-rounded investment strategy.

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Factors to Consider Before Investing in Monthly Income Plan in India

Choosing the best investment plan for monthly income in India requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure that the investment aligns with your financial goals and circumstances. Whether you're looking at a monthly income mutual fund or any other type of monthly income plan, here are key aspects you should evaluate:

  1. Investment Horizon:

Before committing to any monthly income plan, assess your investment timeline. It's crucial to select a plan that matches your financial goals and life events. Consider plans with or without lock-in periods depending on when you might need access to your funds. Early exit from some plans may incur fees, which could impact your financial flexibility.

  1. Risk Tolerance:

Your comfort level with investment risks plays a significant role in choosing the right monthly income plan. Higher-risk investments typically offer higher returns but come with increased volatility. Evaluate your financial stability and how much risk you can afford to take without jeopardizing your financial security.

  1. Liquidity Needs:

Liquidity is an essential factor, especially if you anticipate needing access to your funds at short notice. Some income plans, like certain annuities or long-term bonds, may have restrictions on withdrawals or impose penalties for early withdrawals. Ensure the plan you choose provides the liquidity you require.

  1. Taxation:

Understanding the tax implications of your investment is critical. Different investment options are taxed differently based on the income they generate and the investor's tax slab. Consult with a tax advisor to understand potential tax liabilities or benefits, which can significantly affect your net returns from the investment.

  1. Fees and Charges:

Investigate all associated fees, including management fees, fund allocation charges, and any other costs involved with the monthly income plan. High fees can eat into your returns over time, so it's vital to choose a plan where the cost structure is transparent and justifiable.

  1. Issuer Credibility:

Especially relevant for fixed deposits or corporate bonds, the credibility of the issuer is paramount. Assess the financial health and reputation of the institution or company behind the plan. Opt for entities that are well-regarded and financially robust to mitigate the risk of default.

  1. Diversification:

Even if a monthly income plan offers built-in diversification, consider spreading your investments across various asset classes and schemes to further minimize risk. This strategy helps ensure that potential losses in one area can be offset by gains in another, maintaining a balance in your overall portfolio.

Importance of Monthly Income Generation Plan

Creating a reliable monthly income plan is crucial for several aspects of financial planning, from ensuring a comfortable retirement to managing daily expenses effectively. These plans, often part of a monthly income mutual fund or other investment vehicles, are especially valuable for their role in providing financial security and meeting various personal and familial needs. Below are key reasons why establishing a best investment plan for monthly income is essential:

  1. Retirement Planning:

For retirees, monthly income plans are indispensable. They supplement other retirement income sources such as pensions or social security, helping maintain a desired standard of living. With increasing life expectancies and potential healthcare expenses, a consistent monthly income is vital for financial stability and peace of mind during the retirement years.

  1. Risk Mitigation:

Diversifying investments across various income-generating avenues is a prudent strategy to lessen reliance on any single income source. This spread of investments helps ensure more stable cash flow and reduces the impact of any individual investment’s underperformance, thereby minimizing overall portfolio risk.

  1. Goal Achievement:

A regular income generation plan is instrumental in accumulating funds needed for specific objectives, such as education, home ownership, or other significant financial goals. The steady cash inflow from these plans can be strategically directed towards achieving these milestones, making financial planning more targeted and effective.

  1. Legacy Planning:

For individuals interested in providing for future generations, a well-structured monthly income plan can facilitate wealth accumulation or ongoing support for family members. It ensures that there are adequate financial resources to meet the needs of heirs, offering both material support and financial security after the investor's demise.

  1. Budgeting and Expense Management:

Having a predictable monthly income stream simplifies budgeting and expense management. It allows individuals to plan their expenditures accurately, meet financial obligations promptly, and avoid the stress associated with unpredictable financial shortfalls. Regular income helps in maintaining a balanced and stress-free financial lifestyle.

  1. Flexibility and Adaptability:

Many monthly income plans offer the flexibility to adjust investment allocations or strategies in response to changing market conditions or personal financial situations. This adaptability is crucial in responding to life changes or economic shifts, ensuring that your investment strategy remains aligned with your current financial goals and circumstances.


In conclusion, the strategic importance of establishing a robust monthly income plan cannot be overstated. These plans are essential for anyone looking to secure a stable, predictable financial future, particularly in contexts such as retirement, legacy planning, and achieving long-term financial goals. By providing a steady stream of income, these plans alleviate financial stress and offer the comfort of knowing that your basic needs will be met regularly without fail.

For retirees, the reassurance that comes with a consistent income is invaluable in maintaining their standard of living. For families, such plans ensure that educational goals, home ownership dreams, or other significant financial targets are within reach. Moreover, the flexibility offered by many monthly income mutual funds allows investors to adapt their financial strategies to changing market conditions and personal circumstances, enhancing the potential for growth and stability.

Investing in the best investment plan for monthly income is more than just a financial decision; it's a commitment to a secure, well-planned future. Whether you are planning for retirement, setting up a legacy, or simply ensuring regular income flow, these plans are crucial tools in your financial toolkit. As we navigate through the complexities of financial markets and personal finance, the clarity, stability, and security provided by monthly income plans empower us to look forward to the future with confidence and optimism.

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  1. Which investment plan is best for monthly income?

The best investment plan for monthly income often depends on individual risk tolerance, financial goals, and liquidity needs. Generally, Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS), Post Office Monthly Income Scheme (POMIS), and Monthly Income Plans (MIPs) in mutual funds are considered good options for generating regular monthly income.

  1. How can I start investing for monthly income?

To start investing for monthly income, first define your investment goals and risk profile. Choose an appropriate monthly income plan such as a fixed deposit, a dividend-paying mutual fund, or a bond ladder strategy. Open an investment account with a reputable financial institution or through an online investment platform, and set up regular contributions to your chosen plan.

  1. What if I invest 5000 rs per month?

Investing Rs 5000 per month can accumulate into a significant sum over time, especially if invested in avenues with compounding interest like mutual funds, or recurring deposits. The exact return will depend on the investment vehicle, its rate of return, and market conditions.

  1. How MIP is different than other fixed investment options?

Monthly Income Plans (MIPs) differ from other fixed investment options primarily in their asset allocation and payout structure. MIPs typically invest in a mix of debt and equity, aiming to offer higher returns with moderate risk, whereas traditional fixed investments like FDs focus solely on providing a fixed interest rate. MIPs offer monthly income which may vary based on the fund's performance, whereas fixed investments usually provide a steady and predictable return.

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