Comprehensive Guide on Starting & Stopping SIPs: What are Perpetual SIPs in India?

by Alina Khan

Published On Dec. 27, 2023

Investing in Mutual Funds through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) has become an integral part of financial planning for many. This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the entire SIP process, from initiation to termination, and shed light on a unique feature known as Perpetual SIP. Understanding how to start, stop, and leverage Perpetual SIP is crucial for investors looking to navigate the complex world of mutual fund investments effectively.

How to Invest in SIP?

Starting a SIP is a straightforward process, making it an accessible option for both seasoned investors and those new to the world of mutual funds. Here are the key steps to initiate a SIP:

  1. Goal Identification: Clearly define your financial goals, whether it's wealth creation, education planning, or retirement.

  2. Risk Assessment: Evaluate your risk tolerance to align your investment strategy with your comfort level.

  3. Choose the Right Fund: Select a mutual fund scheme that aligns with your financial goals and risk profile. Diversified equity funds, debt funds, and hybrid funds are popular choices.

  4. Determine SIP Amount: Decide on the amount you want to invest at regular intervals. SIPs offer flexibility, allowing investors to start with a small amount and gradually increase it over time.

  5. Select Investment Duration: Choose the duration for which you want to continue the SIP. Longer durations often yield better results due to the power of compounding.

  6. Submit KYC Documents: Complete the Know Your Customer (KYC) process by submitting necessary documents to the fund house or its authorized distributors.

  7. Fill SIP Application Form: Fill out the SIP application form provided by the chosen fund house, specifying details such as the SIP amount, frequency, and duration.

  8. Provide Bank Mandate: Set up an Electronic Clearance Service (ECS) or a standing instruction with your bank to facilitate automatic SIP deductions.

  9. Monitor and Review: Regularly review your investment portfolio to ensure it aligns with your financial goals. Adjust your SIP amount if needed. Start your free portfolio review to make informed decisions based on your risk profile.

How to Stop SIP?

While starting a SIP is a straightforward process, stopping or pausing it requires careful consideration. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to stop a SIP:

  1. Assess Financial Situation: Before deciding to stop a SIP, evaluate your financial situation, investment goals, and whether any unexpected expenses can be managed without disrupting your SIP.

  2. Review Investment Portfolio: Assess the performance of the mutual fund scheme in which you have invested. If it aligns with your long-term goals and demonstrates consistency, stopping the SIP might not be necessary.

  3. Consider Market Conditions: Evaluate prevailing market conditions. Sometimes, market downturns may present buying opportunities, and stopping SIPs during such phases may not be prudent.

  4. Contact Fund House or Distributor: To stop a SIP, submit a written request to the respective fund house or distributor. Many fund houses also provide online platforms for investors to manage their SIPs conveniently.

  5. Complete Necessary Formalities: Fulfill any formalities required by the fund house, such as filling out a stop SIP request form and providing relevant details.

  6. Confirm Termination: Once the process is initiated, confirm the termination of your SIP by checking your account statements or online portal.

It's essential to note that stopping a SIP should be a well-thought-out decision based on your financial goals and the overall market scenario.

What is Perpetual SIP?

A perpetual SIP, or Systematic Investment Plan, is an investment strategy where fixed amounts are regularly invested in a mutual fund scheme indefinitely. This means there is no end date set for the SIP, allowing investors to continue investing until they choose to stop. The meaning of perpetual SIP lies in its long-term investment horizon, providing investors with the flexibility to accumulate wealth over an extended period. By opting for a perpetual SIP, investors can take advantage of market fluctuations and benefit from the power of compounding over time. Understanding the perpetual SIP meaning is crucial for those looking to build a substantial investment portfolio with disciplined and consistent contributions.

Now that we know What is Perpetual SIP, and perpetual SIP meaning, let's look at why Perpetual SIP can be a strategic choice:

  • Continuous Wealth Creation: Perpetual SIP aligns with the principle of long-term wealth creation, as investors can leverage the power of compounding over an extended period.

  • Flexibility: Investors can choose to stop a Perpetual SIP at any time without any predetermined commitment. This flexibility caters to changing financial circumstances.

  • Rupee Cost Averaging: Perpetual SIP harnesses the benefit of rupee cost averaging over an extended period. It helps in mitigating the impact of market volatility on investments.

  • Customizable Withdrawals: Investors can choose to redeem units partially or fully whenever required, providing liquidity as per their financial needs.

  • Ideal for Long-Term Goals: Perpetual SIP is particularly suitable for long-term financial goals such as retirement planning, as it allows investors to stay invested for the entire duration of their financial journey.

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Normal SIP vs Perpetual SIP: Understanding the Key Differences

Normal SIP

Normal SIPs, or Systematic Investment Plans, are structured with a specified termination date. This characteristic makes them suitable for investors with a predetermined investment horizon. Here are some distinctive features of Normal SIPs:

  • Termination Date: Normal SIPs have a predefined maturity date, meaning investors need to decide the duration for which they want to stay invested. This makes them ideal for those with specific financial goals that align with a fixed investment period.

  • Periodic Renewal: Normal SIPs require periodic renewal. Once the predefined investment period concludes, investors need to decide whether to renew the SIP for another term or explore other investment options.

  • Fixed Investment Period: These SIPs are well-suited for individuals who have a specific time frame in mind for achieving their financial objectives. Investors can select the SIP duration based on their goals and risk tolerance .

  • SIP Termination: When investors opt to stop a Normal SIP, they need to fill the SIP termination date column in the SIP form. This formal process ensures a clear endpoint to the investment commitment.

Perpetual SIP

On the other hand, Perpetual SIPs, also known as Evergreen SIPs, provide a unique and open-ended investment structure. Here are the defining characteristics of Perpetual SIPs:

  • No Termination Date: One of the key distinctions is that Perpetual SIPs don't come with a termination date. Investors have the flexibility to stay invested for as long as they want, allowing for continuous wealth creation.

  • No Renewal Concept: Unlike Normal SIPs, there is no concept of 'renewal' with Perpetual SIPs. Investors do not need to worry about periodic renewal, making it a hassle-free option for those seeking long-term investment continuity.

  • Long-Term Investment: Perpetual SIPs are especially suitable for investors with long-term financial goals. The absence of a termination date aligns well with objectives such as retirement planning, where continuous wealth creation is paramount.

  • SIP Termination Process: When opting to stop a Perpetual SIP, investors need to leave the SIP termination date column blank in the SIP form. This signifies the perpetual nature of the investment, allowing investors the flexibility to exit when they deem fit.

Choosing Between Normal and Perpetual SIP

Deciding between Normal SIPs and Perpetual SIPs depends on individual investor preferences, financial goals, and risk tolerance . Here's a quick comparison to help you make an informed choice:

  • Investment Horizon: If you have specific short-term goals, such as saving for a vacation or a down payment, Normal SIPs with a fixed termination date might be more suitable. For long-term goals like retirement planning, where continuous wealth creation is crucial, Perpetual SIPs offer an open-ended investment approach.

  • Renewal Preferences: Investors who prefer the ease of periodic renewal and reassessment of their financial strategy might find Normal SIPs more aligned with their preferences. On the other hand, those seeking a set-and-forget approach without the hassle of renewals may favor Perpetual SIPs.

  • Flexibility: Perpetual SIPs provide greater flexibility as they eliminate the need for periodic decision-making regarding renewal. Investors can adjust their investment amounts or exit the plan without being bound by a predefined maturity date.

Both Normal SIPs and Perpetual SIPs have their merits, and the choice ultimately depends on your individual financial objectives and preferences. Whether you prefer the structure of a fixed-term investment or the flexibility of an evergreen approach, SIPs offer a versatile and disciplined strategy for wealth creation in the dynamic landscape of mutual fund investments.

Start your free portfolio review to make informed decisions & find the right investments to set up your SIPs.

Read this article SIP vs STP: Understanding Key Differences and Strategies

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Wrapping Up

In conclusion, investing in SIPs offers a powerful avenue for wealth creation, and understanding how to start, stop, and leverage Perpetual SIP is paramount for investors. By following a systematic approach to initiate SIPs, investors can set the stage for achieving their financial goals. Similarly, stopping a SIP should be a decision informed by a thorough assessment of one's financial situation and market conditions.

Perpetual SIP, with its evergreen nature, provides a unique opportunity for continuous wealth creation and flexibility. Investors can strategically use Perpetual SIPs to align with their long-term financial objectives, taking advantage of rupee cost averaging and the compounding effect.

Ultimately, whether choosing a regular SIP or a Perpetual SIP, investors must tailor their investment strategy to align with their financial goals, risk tolerance , and investment horizon. Regular monitoring, periodic portfolio reviews , and staying informed about market conditions are crucial aspects of successful SIP investing.

Read these articles to learn about key investment methodologies and concepts related to SIPs & Investment Advisors that can help you setup your portfolio:

    1. SIP Investment Guide: What is SIP, How to Start, Benefits, & Is It Worth It
    2. What is SIP in Mutual Funds? An Experts Guide
    3. Navigating the Challenge: How to Deal with Loss-Making SIPs
    4. Maximizing Portfolio Potential: The Role of an Investment Advisor
    5. Best SIP to Invest In Now for Maximum Returns: A Strategic Guide for Indian Investors
    6. SIP vs STP: Understanding Key Differences and Strategies
    7. SIP vs. Lumpsum Investment Strategies: Comprehensive Guide for Best Returns

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