by Economic Times
Published On May 6, 2022
Sonam Srivastava, the founder of Wright Research, shares her journey in the male-dominated world of stock trading, highlighting the role of her father's influence and outstanding mentors in shaping her career. She emphasizes the importance of perseverance and finding inspiration in the trading community. Srivastava also discusses her strategies, experiences with drawdowns, and advice for new investors. She aims to inspire more women to pursue trading and investing while leveraging data-driven research and technology in her work.
“I chose a career in trading because I was fascinated by quant models. I have a knack for numbers and data, and creating investment solutions based on algorithms has intrigued me all my life.”
- Sonam Srivastava, Founder, Wright Research
Here’s a summary:
Sonam Srivastava credits her father's influence, tinkering with trading terminals as a child, and outstanding mentors for her success in stock trading.
She started her career at Forefront Capital (now Edelweiss) and later worked at HSBC, gaining experience and confidence in quantitative trading.
Srivastava encourages more women to pursue trading and investing, sharing cherished experiences of her journey.
She emphasizes the importance of perseverance and community support, particularly in dealing with drawdowns.
Srivastava uses factor data, data science methods, and machine learning models to develop strategies, adding an edge to her trading.
She enjoys interacting with young investors and follows the equity market closely, while acknowledging a knowledge gap in crypto investments.
Srivastava follows a systems-based approach, conducting data-driven research, and monitoring market movements and news flow.
Her advice to new investors facing losses is to stick with their conviction, analyze data points to understand the reasons for the loss, and adjust allocation accordingly.
She believes that risk is an inherent part of investing, and studying data-driven research can help build conviction and analyze loss-making positions.
Read the full story here .
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